Might and Magic Wiki

For the genie from Ashan, see Nur.

Nury is a character that appears in Might and Magic: The Dreamwright and Might and Magic: The Shadowsmith. She was a thin, pinch-faced, taciturn woman from the Hub of The Wheel, and was the representative of the eight kings in Diligence's caravan. She guarded the sword Manscythe, and carried a list of questions for the Dreamwright when they finally reached the crystal palace.

On their twelfth night after leaving The Wheel, the guards Huben and Tarler were murdered, and Nury was infected with one of Dubiel's metal seeds, slowly coming under his control over the course of their travels.

Nury had little respect for Pomponderant's knowledge, and never tried to disguise her hatred for Hitch, openly advocating that they should leave him behind. She did her best to keep Diligence safe, but never pretended that she liked or respected her. The only person she showed affection for was Breitling, the caravan's marchmaster. During their travels, the two grew very fond of each other, treating each other with a mutual respect that they rarely gave to, or received from, the others. When Pomponderant left the caravan to join Derbelderhed's excavation, she moved into Breitling's wagon.

During the caravan's stay at Paddifraw's Repose, Nury was starting to come under Dubiel's control. Wielding Manscythe, she sneakily went into the cook's wagon and murdered the boy resting in Hitch's bed. When the body was discovered, most of the caravan grieved for him, and even Breitling had his look of triumph mixed with distaste. Nury, however, showed nothing but self-righteous satisfaction, and muttered something so horrid that Welleck had to be physically restrained to stop him from punching her.

When they learned that it was Alacrity who was slain, and that Hitch was still alive, she moaned for the poor little scrivener, before casting Hitch an accusatory look and telling him that "He'd be alive at this moment if the world turned as right as the Wheel."

After the caravan was ambushed, Nury made her way to the nameless town outside the Unseen Wall, and when the others showed up, she uncharacteristically flung her arms around both Diligence and Hitch, thanking him for safeguarding Diligence. It's not known if this was her true feelings, or if Dubiel was trying to make them let their guards down. Inside the crystal palace, Nury eventually showed her true colors, once again trying to slay Hitch with Manscythe. During the confusion, Hitch and Jassad Attqua fell through a portal into the Aulmad, before Nury's rampage was stopped by Amonwelle, and the hubwoman was slain.

Breitling, who still loved her, asked Amonwelle if he could bring her body back to The Wheel, and when Amonwelle refused, he asked to see her one last time. While he was in there alone, the corpse rose up and strangled him, driven forth by Dubiel's dark powers. Though Amonwelle's soldiers managed to bring her down, they were too late to save Breitling.
