Might and Magic Wiki

Manscythe is a long golden sword in a bejeweled scabbard, appearing in Might and Magic: The Dreamwright and Might and Magic: The Shadowsmith. It was the legendary sword of El, the Hero of the North. According to Diligence, it was't as heavy as it looked.

El wielded the sword at the Rout of Red Harra, lopping off the limbs and heads of his enemies. About 1200 years later, he carried it at the Battle of the Stolen Air, where he was slain by the candlemen. This caused his lover Amonwelle to renounce her neutrality and join the battle against the candlemen, and in the confusion, the golden sword disappeared.

It ended up in the hands of a metals merchant from Gaughanwell, who gave it to the rulers of The Wheel in return for free access to some lucrative trade routes. It remained in an underground storehouse in the Hub for six centuries, until the kings of The Wheel decided to consult the Dreamwright about the natural disasters plaguing their lands. Before allowing this consultation, Amonwelle gave them a list of demands which included the safe return of her lover's sword.

When Diligence's caravan was sent north, the sword was entrusted to the hubwoman Nury, who kept it under her bunk. During their journey, Nury was infected by the evil of Dubiel, and during their stay at Paddifraw's Repose, she secretly tried to slay Hitch with the sword. She later learned that she'd actually killed young Alacrity, who had rested in Hitch's bed.

When the remains of the caravan finally reached the crystal palace, Nury was fully under the Shadowsmith's control, and once again tried to kill Hitch. Amonwelle knocked her to the ground, telling her that she was not fit to even touch that blade. She later remarked that it would take much cleansing before Manscythe could be returned to battle.

The sword was eventually placed in one of Amonwelle's treasure chambers beneath the Crystal Palace. One day, when Hitch accidentally tapped the Staff of Blue Light on the ground in the room, he opened a magic portal, and they heard Pomponderant yelling for help. He and Diligence charged through the portal, Hitch wielding the staff and Diligence clutching Manscythe.
