Might and Magic Wiki

"It has long been told that the secret to the Flame of Chaos is hidden deep within the jungles of Aldamar, a wild region along the mountainous southern coast of Lodwar. It his here that Kozuss begins his quest, but the task is no easy one - Aldamar is home to many uncivilized tribes, each more willing than the last to keep outsiders away."

Into the Jungles is the first scenario in the Opposites Attract campaign in The Gathering Storm.


"Travel to the jungles of Aldamar and seek the Chaos Oracle, as he alone is rumored to know the location of the Flame of Chaos."

Fighting his way past the hostile tribes, Kozuss managed to use the bronze Oracles to find the Scroll of Summon ship, which allowed him to cross the water and find the Chaos Oracle.


Kozuss starts out with a single Asylum to the southeast, with five hostile Asylums spread across the map - one for every enemy player. Outside every town, there's an Oracle leading the way to a buried Scroll of Summon ship, located near the center of the map. By taking out the enemy players and visiting the Oracles, he'll have the exact location.

Most of the water is blocked by trees, but there's an opening guarded by Elementals - clearing them with spells or creatures shouldn't be too hard. Summon a ship, and send Kozuss to the Oracle to complete the scenario.

On this map, Kozuss should aquire mostly Chaos magic skills, and a few Order Magic skills for later. The highest-level spells are fourth-level Chaos spells, so there's no need to reach Grandmaster yet.

Heroes of Might and Magic IV: The Gathering Storm scenarios and campaigns
H4-Blue Masters of Magic
(Mixed campaign)
Isle of Pyre - Slart's Fjord - Lambent Plains - Mt. Anon - Mire of the Dead
H4-Red Opposites Attract
(Asylum/Academy campaign)
Into the Jungles - Race to the Flame - Fire and Ice - Shadow of Merlion
H4-Green Another Bard's Tale
(Preserve campaign)
Isle of the Dawn - Thunderflash Mountains - Uludin Foothills
H4-Orange Might Makes Right
(Stronghold campaign)
The Unexpected Prize - Allies Lost - The Uncivil War
H4-Blue A Matter of Life and Death
(Haven/Necropolis campaign)
First Contact - The Hidden Hand - The Dark Path - The Rescue
H4-Blue The Gathering Storm
(Mixed campaign)
Storm on the Horizon - Up Against a Wall - Final Showdown